[Spectroscopy Ninja] 

Spekwin32 - securing the future!


What to do next?

Give your opinion!
(survey closed after 300 entries)

Results summary

Kickstarter Cockpit (archive)

Join the fundraising
Funding & Software status

Kickstarter crowdfunding failed at 66% of the goal reached.

Now funding next step with direct fundraising!

This was the online survey, no entries possible any more!
As explained in the What to do next section, I am currently preparing the next development step for the optical spectroscopy software Spekwin32.

I've put together a few pages, explaining what could and should change. Please read more about this in the Spekwin32_Masterplan.pdf This helps also better understand the questionnaire below.
Now that you've had a look into the Spekwin32_Masterplan.pdf, please spend some more minutes, and fill out the questionnaire down below.

The overall results are visible in real-time in the next section: The results. Stay tuned, there is more interesting things to come to your attention!
Fill in my online form.

© 2001-2016: Friedrich Menges. Last Change:
28 November, 2016
Privacy statement: this website needs no cookies, it will neither track nor analyze you. No Google Analytics. No paid advertising. No selling of user data. No fuss. No shit. Only useful content for Spectroscopy Ninjas.