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Spekwin32 frequent questions & answers

Frequently asked questions for Spekwin32
Opening *.spc files doesn't work. There is a message saying something about "gspciolib.dll error"
The software doesn't recognize my file format. What can I do?
How can I change the axis types?
Where can I select the axis boundaries?
Can I edit the spectrum names?
Is it possible to use the filename as legend text?
What is the best way for creating a spectral plot graphics?

Frequently given answers for Spekwin32
Opening *.spc files doesn't work. There is a message saying something about "gspciolib.dll error"

Please follow the installation instructions from the download site. To enable reading of *.spc files, Spekwin32 has to be installed with admin permissions! Alternatively, run Spekwin32 once with admin permissions, open a single *.spc file and you are done.

The software doesn't recognize my file format. What can I do?

For ASCII files (that is: content can be read with a text editor), try to change your file extension to *.csv or *.fak, and open again with Spekwin32. There is a good chance to successfully import your data. You might also try to copy the data columns and use the "Paste data from clipboard" feature.
For binary files, first have a look for an export feature within the measuring software. Most spectrometer software has a feature to export data into ASCII files. You might also send me sample files (ideally the same data as both binary and ASCII file), often enough it is possible to create a new import function for these files.

How can I change the axis types?

Just use the "Axes" menu function from the "Plot/ Options" menu. All axis types can be used for all spectral types, however not every axis type conversion also make sense (e.g. to display an intensity spectrum as transmittance). Please understand that only the display is changed, the spectral data itself remains unchanged.

Where can I select the axis boundaries?

Select the zoom region with the left mouse button. The axis boundaries will "snap out" to the next reasonable axis value, in order to have round numbers. Clicking the right mouse button zooms back out again to give the full display.

Can I edit the spectrum names?

From the "Spectra" menu, select the "General" menu function. In the upper text box, insert your desired spectrum description (= "legend text"). The "Edit legend texts" button brings up a sub-window, to allow to work on all spectra legend texts, including batch search&replace functionality.

Is it possible to use the filename as legend text?

From the "Spectra" menu, select the "General" menu function. By using the "Replace by filename" button, you can immediately replace the legend text by the spectrum's filename. The same button is available from the "Edit legend texts" sub-window.

What is the best way for creating a spectral plot graphics?

Two things are essential:
1) Do not maximise the Spekwin32 window! The plot created by "Save Plot as..." or "Copy Plot to Clipboard" has text and axis labeling that is sized proportional sized to what you see on your screen. Which looks much better for a medium sized Spekwin32 window, but not for a maximised one.
2) Use a line size of +1 or +2, by hitting "Thicker Lines" once or twice. Like this, line colours can be seen much better, especially in printouts.

FAQ, manual, guidance, videos for the new Spectragryph software from here!

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9 July, 2017
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