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Plot/Options menu

1. Menu Item [Configuration]

  • Here you can change and set permanently many program options.

  • The settings are written to the file spekwin32.ini in the program folder. Write access is needed for this file!

  • During program start, these settings are read from the file. Without write access, the settings can be read but not written. It is recommended to install Spekwin32 to a folder with write access

  • With [allow multiple instances] activated, it is not advised to load many spectra at once by double clicking within the file explorer. This will open as many Spekwin32 windows as files were selected, which might slow down system performance in an unpleasant way!

3. Menu Item [Show Peak Labels]

  • Activation of this menu item will bring up an additional menu bar for all the options connected with the automated peak labeling feature.

  • Show label allows to use x or y values or both combined as peak label.

  • Threshold defines the mimimum value for labeled peaks. It's a percental threshold, cal-cualated for each spectrum individually.

  • Prominence is a parameter that allows fine-tuning the selection of peaks for labeling. Works similar to the "topographic prominence" parameter used to describe mountain tops.

  • With Digits, you can adjust the number precision of the displayed values.

  • The angle of the label text can be varied between all angles from vertical to horizontal.

  • You can either label peaks for all spectra or select a single one.

  • Hint: There is no way to individually label peaks!

4. Menu Item [Show Spectroscope View]

  • The "Spectroscope View" tries to reproduce the visual appearance of the measured sample viewed through a hand spectroscope. These are still in wide use in some industries, especially with gemologists. It might provide helpful to reduce the gap between visual and spectrometric methods. This feature works for absorbance or transmittance spectra as well as for emission spectra.

  • Activation of this menu item will show an additional menu bar below the plot for all the options connected to the Spectroscope View. A fully blown "rainbow spectrum" is shown, with reduced brightness according to the selected spectrum's absorbing regions.

  • Within the rainbow spectrum, the wavelength scale can deactivated and the tick distance changed.

  • The coloured rainbow spectrum can be shown as grayscale representation (For those with black&white screens and colourless textbooks)

  • Align] causes the upper spectrum plot to be aligned with the lower rainbow spectrum. Depending on monitor and window size, this may not always work perfectly…

  • With [activate], the modulation of the full rainbow spectrum by the measured spectrum can be switched on and off. Select the spectrum with the drop down list.

  • With [CopyToClipboard] you can place the current rainbow spectrum into the Clipboard.

  • [Save as..] will save the current rainbow spectrum to the hard disk.

  • Hint: Transmittance values above 1 (which make no sense physically) lead to distorted colours. Emission spectra should be normalized or kept below 1 for y values, otherwise colors will also be distorted.

5. Menu Item [Axes]
for interconversion of different axis types and naming of axis titles.

  • For the x axis, wavelength, wavenumbers and electron volts scale can be selected. Wavenumbers and electron volts are proportional to energy. The following equation holds true if the axis units are nm and 1/cm:
    lambda=10^7/wellenzahl and wellenzahl=10^7/lambda Further: 1eV=8056,5 cm-1

  • There is the option to manually set the x axis boundaries in the [boundaries] window.

  • the y axis values can be shown as transmittance T, absorbance A, molar absorption coefficient epsilon and log(absorption coefficient) log epsilon. For interconversion, the following equations are used:
    A=-logT and A=epsiloncd
    Additionally, the y type "Reflectance" and "Intensity" are recognized and handled by Spekwin32.
  • For displaying epsilon and log epsilon you have to assign a concentration to the spectrum. This can be done in the menu items [General] or [Concentration].

  • If possible, the x and y axis types are choosen automatically according to the most recently opened spectral file.
  • The display of axis titles can be turned off with the option [show Axis Title]. Set your own individual axis title with [Set Axis Title].
  • The option [Alternating Tick Label] will be enabled by default when set in the menu item [Configuration].

6. Menu Item [Axes Font]

  • For changing the font of both axes' tick labels.

7. Menu Item [Legend Font]

  • For changing the font of both axis titles and of legend titles.
  • Hint: When choosing very big font sizes, the axes titles and axes labels might overlap.

8. Menu Item [Legend on/off]

  • For turning on and off the display of legend titles.

9. Menu Item [Grid on/off]

  • For turning on and off the grid display.

10. Menu Item [Secondary x Axis on/off]

  • For turning on and off the complementary second x axis at the upper edge of the graph.

11. Menu Item [Points/Lines]

  • For switching spectral display as points or lines.

12. Menu Item [Flip X-Axis]

  • For switching x-Axis direction. Affects only graphics display. Data will be saved in default direction.

13. Menu Item [Standard Lines&Colours]

  • For setting back spectral display to default values. The colours are set to default order, line width to 1 and line style to "solid".

14. Menu Item [Thicker Lines]

  • Increase the line width by one step.
  • Possible range is from 1 to 7.

15. Menu Item [Thinner Lines]

  • Decrease the line width by one step.
  • Possible range is from 1 to 7.

16. Menu Item [Plot All Black]

  • Set the line colour of all spectra to black.
  • To go back, call the menu item [Standard Lines & Colour] once.

17. Menu Item [Cycling Line Types]

  • Sets the line types of all spectra to alternate between "solid", "dotted" and "dashed".
  • To go back, call the menu item [Standard Lines & Colour] once.

18. Menu Item [Display Values]

  • Continuously shows the current x and y value for the spectrum selected in the drop down list.
  • Close with [Abort].

19. Menu Item [Background Colour]

  • For changing the graph's background colour.
  • Will not be plotted, exported or saved, the background remains transparent!
 © 2001-2015: Dr. Friedrich Menges. Last Change: February 24, 2017