[Spectroscopy Ninja]  
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Share this page on: share on Linkedin! . . . . Contact & Connect: academia.edu Tumblr: Haunted by spectra Facebook: Spectroscopy Ninja Flickr: just some pics LinkedIn: my professional self! Twitter: Spectroscopy Ninja Xing: another professional resume ResearchGate: my academic self my Google Plus youtube channel for Spectroscopy Ninja

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Released since 2016!
The all-new, easy-to-use, top-modern
successor software for Spekwin32

Spectragryph v1.x



Dr. Friedrich Menges
Bayerstrasse 12
83471 Berchtesgaden (GERMANY)

Member of:
Society for Applied Spectroscopy
Ph.D. in physical chemistry/ spectroscopy from Universität Konstanz

Mail: spekwin32@effemm2.de
Web: http:/spectroscopy.ninja
LinkedIn group:
Optical Spectroscopy Software
academia.edu Tumblr: Haunted by spectra Facebook: Spectroscopy Ninja Flickr: just some pics LinkedIn: my professional self! Twitter: Spectroscopy Ninja Xing: another professional resume ResearchGate: my academic self my Google Plus youtube channel for Spectroscopy ninja

I'm interested in success stories as well as in bug reports. I have an open ear for suggestions for improvement.
Tell me what you like or dislike! Join the Linkedin group to contribute.
(But please: RTFM. Many questions will be answered by using the manual ...)


Please contact me by mail for business requests. What's possible:

  • Accelerate implementation of new functionalities by funding it. Just write me an email. Or read here.

  • Promote Spekwin32 as reseller and participate in revenues. Apply here!

  • Get your private branding spectroscopy software for distribution. Just write me an email.

  • Custom development of spectroscopy-related software. Just write me an email.

NOTE: Spekwin32 is retired since 2016 and got replaced by the new Spectragryph software!

 © 2001-2015: Dr. Friedrich Menges. Last Change: May 1, 2024