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Released since 2016!
The all-new, easy-to-use, top-modern
successor software for Spekwin32

Spectragryph v1.x


Spekwin32 is retired since 2016 and got replace by the new Spectragryph software!

All (?) Features of Spekwin32 (new in v1.72)

Data import, Graphics/Data export:

  • Import of spectra from a multitude of spectrometers systems:
    • THERMO Galactic GRAMS software (*.spc)
    • Perkin Elmer UV/VIS, NIR, FTIR, fluorescence & Raman spectrometers (*.sp)
    • Ascanis Lambda-SPX/ VISIONlite software (*.dsp)
    • Avantes AvaSoft 6.0, 7.0 software (*.tat, *.tit, *.trt, *.ttt)
    • Varian Cary 50 (*.csv)
    • Beckman Coulter DU 600/7000 (*.scn, *.asc)
    • Horiba Datamax (*.prn)
    • Hewlett Packard 8453 (*.csv)
    • THERMO Nicolet OMNIC FTIR spectrometers (*.spa)
    • JASCO Spectramanager software (*.jws)
    • Ocean Optics spectrometers (*.procspec)
    • Shimadzu UV-1600, UV-1800 spectrometers (*.spc)
    • Scinco Neosys 2000 UV-Vis spectrometer (*.csv)
    • StellarNet SpectraWiz software (*.abs, *.trm, *.ssm, *.irr, *.lib)
    • Bio-Rad FTS 3000 MX FTIR spectrometer (*.csv)
    • Thermo Electron Helios Alpha spectrometer (*.csv)
    • Unicam U450 spectrometer (*.csv)
    • USGS spectral library files (*.asc)
    • RRUFF Raman mineral database (*.rruff)
    • VWR UV-1600PC spectrometer (*.wls)
    • ColVisTec inline spectrometers (*.wl, *.dat)
    • WTW photoLab spectral (*.csv)
    • GL Gem Raman (*.fak, *.rruff)
    • Milton Roy Spectronic 3000 (*.asc)
    • IKS XDAP (*.spk)
    • Roper Scientific / Princeton Instruments WinSpec/WinView software binary files (*.spe)
    • Princeton Instruments WinSpec 1.6 software ASCII files (*.prn)
    • UV/VIS, NIR, IR, fluorescence and Raman spectra in JCAMP-DX 4.24/5.00 standard (*.dx, *.jdx)
  • Graphics export as WMF, GIF, PNG, TIFF or BMP via Clipboard or printer
  • Data export as:
    • ASCII file, 2 variations (*.dat and *.csv)
    • Gnuplot parameter file
    • RRUFF Raman mineral database (*.rruff)
    • THERMO Galactic/GRAMS *.spc file
    • JCAMP-DX file (*.dx) or as
    • space-saving Spekwin32 binary file
    • export to Clipboard
  • Batch export as:
    • single file *.csv, *.dx, *.spc (maintain or change filename & path)
    • multi file *.csv, *.dx, *.spc (maintain or change filename & path)

Processing of Spectra:

  • Baseline Correction
  • Advanced baseline correction
  • Spike Removal
  • Correction of fluorescence spectra
  • Assign excitation wavelengths to emission spectra
  • Correction of excitation energy for emission spectra
  • Remove scattering peaks from emission spectra (Rayleigh +Raman, 1st. + 2nd. order)
  • Normalization by peak maximum
  • Normalization by area
  • Smoothing
  • Advanced smoothing
  • Finding Peaks & FWHM
  • Changing of legend captions
  • Cutting partial spectra
  • Sorting spectra / changing order
  • Remove spectra (arbitrary selection)


  • Fast scaling, zooming, rescaling with mouse
  • Status bar at bottom displays current mouse position => fast reading of data points
  • X-axis: wavelength, wavenumbers, Raman shift or electron volts, complementary second x-axis possible
  • Y-axis: transmittance,reflectance, absorbance, intensity molar absorption coefficient and log(absorption coefficient)
  • Automated choice of axis types from spectral data files while opening
  • Free axis caption, font, font size
  • Grid mode
  • Spectra display with arbitrary colour, line type, line width, legend texts
  • Automated peak labeling
  • Display of two-dimensional fluorescence spectra (EEM)
  • "Spectroscope View" simulating visual appearance through spectroscope
  • Drag&Drop for Spekwin32-readable files
  • Copy&Paste of arbitrary data gives instant plot
  • Open unknown binary files
  • Changing and saving many options in configuration dialog
  • Allowing multiple instances of Spekwin32 to be opened


Calculations from Spectra:

  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division of spectra with each others
  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division of spectra with constant values in x- and y-axis
  • Averaging of spectra
  • Differentiation (1. - 4. order)
  • Integration & Average
  • Concentration from absorbance & absorption coefficient
  • absorption coefficient from absorbance & concentration
  • Oscillatory strength
  • Effective absorbance
  • transmittance / reflectance spectra from two intensity spectra
  • film thickness determination
  • Center of gravity (with fluorescence spectra)
  • Fluorescence quantum yield (temperatur dependence possible)
  • Degree of polarization
  • Reduced spectrum from S and P polarized spectra
  • Create Raman shift spectrum from wavelength spectrum + laser wavelength
  • Subtract a Blank dataset from an EEM
  • Calculation & displaying of two-dimensional fluorescence spectra
  • Calculation of excitation spectra from two-dimensional fluorescence spectra
  • Fit of Gauss curves to present spectra / simulation of spectra with Gauss curves
 © 2001-2015: Dr. Friedrich Menges. Last Change: May 1, 2024