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File Transform Analyze Fluorescence/ EEM Evaluate Automate Identify Acquire

Functions of the Automate ribbon
=> Click onto a button for descriptions

This ribbon works together with the automation tab, which is for definition and execution of sequences of processing steps. Defined processing sequences can be saved for later use and applied to any series of spectra. Large number of spectra can be batch-processed in no time. For your convenience, some pre-defined processing sequences are available as examples for download.
This feature is incredibly powerfule, but also incredibly simple to use!

New Automation view

Create a new Automation view as the tab for processing automation. On the left side, create, remove and reorder processing steps. Select a processing method for each step from the drop down menu. Set the respective parameters on the right upper side.
Each sequence has to begin with a step from the "Data Input" section, and to end with a step from the "Data Output" section. These are the only rules. The software will remind you if you forget and also nudge these two steps into the right position, if necessary.

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Explanation of Processing steps

Data Input

Each processing sequence needs to know which data to process. You can either simply process the loaded spectra in the spectrum plot, or else load the data from files, with several options available.
As file selection mode, you can have "selected files", which shows a File Open dialog for manually selecting files; or else with "all files from folder" it will work on all readable files in the defined folder. If no folder information exists, it will again show a File Open dialog.
Check the "process in batches" option and define the batch size, for running the processing in batches. This can help if the files are very large or a large number of files needs to be processed.


All the functions from the Process ribbon are available here as processing steps, plus changing of legend texts. Each processing step will act on all spectra and remove the original spectra.


All the functions from the Transform ribbon are available here as processing steps. Each processing step will act on all spectra and remove the original spectra.


All the functions from the Analyze ribbon are available here as processing steps. As the first three functions create analysis results as data output, there is an option for defining the output directory for the resulting csv file, and also an option to open the created csv file. The created csv file will also be mentioned in the processing protocol.


All the functions from the Fluorescence/EEM ribbon are available here as processing steps.

Data Output

As final step, simply show the resulting spectra with "Show Final spectra", or else save the data and/or the plots as individual or combined files, with all the options known from the same functions in the File menu.
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Definition of Processing steps

- With the "Load Sequence" button, a previously saved processing sequence file can be loaded again for execution.

- The "Clear Sequence" button empties the current list of processing steps.

- Once a processing sequence is finished, it can be saved as Spectragryph processing sequence file (*.sgps) with the "Save Sequence" button.

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Execution of Processing steps

- The "Run Sequence" button executes the current sequence of processing steps. Each sequence has to begin with a step from the "Data Input" section, and should end with a step from the "Data Output" section. When "Use loaded spectra" was defined as Data Input, load the spectra series to be processed into the plot window first, then execute the sequence. In the upper right window will be a processing protocoll, together with a progress bar during processing.

- The "Stop Sequence" will interrupt a running execution at the next possible point, however not remove the defined sequence.

- Only with "Live Processing" activated, the actual transformations will be visualized in the plot window. Otherwise, for sake of processing speed, only start and end results are visualized. And this only if the appropiate processing steps are used ("Use loaded spectra" for input and "Show final spectra" for output)

- "Show Protocoll" will recall the processing protocol of the last execution, if there was one.

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